What do you do with a 9-card Suit?
How, one of my advanced students asked me, might E/W reach a spade slam? When West opened 4S, East must have been tempted to bid on, but...

Choice of Opening Defines Contract
One of my students sent me this hand from a recent online Pairs event. You are vulnerable against non-vulnerable opponents and there are...

Inaugral EBU Inter-National Teams Championship 2020
Opposed to being downhearted, the English Bridge Union decided to take advantage of lockdown to launch a new Teams event for players who...

Humans 1 - Robots 0
Online bridge is incredible. As well as being able to play bridge with your friends anywhere in the world, compete with your usual...

Deductive Reasoning Answers Everything
Take a look at this hand. West opens 1S, North passes, East bids 2S. South overcalls 3H and North raises to 4H. West leads 5s - as...

Bridge Lessons All Summer Long
Paul (and Daisy) announce that the online bridge classes will continue throughout the summer months. Each Monday, registered students...

Lesson Notes
Notes from all classes in the preceding 7 days are now available by clicking on the document icon, located on the right hand side of this...

Online Lessons Attracting Wide Audience
Paul Mendelson's online classes are now well-established, offering Intermediate, Advanced, Social and Duplicate coaching on different...

Bad Hands sometimes Get Better
When you respond 1NT to your partner's 1H or 1S opening bid, you will usually be denying 3-card support. You may even be void in your...

Think 3-Dimensionally
One hand that caused consternation during a recent class was this: Your partner opens 1NT (12-14pts). What would you respond holding: S ...