Pilot Online Lesson April 1st at 10.30am
I will be running a pilot Online Bridge Lesson on Wednesday 1st April at 10.30am. If people enjoy the lesson (and the technology does its...

Hand Number 2
Here is Hand number 2 of my occasional series of bridge hands to keep your bridge brains going. I'm hoping to have something far more...

Online Lessons Soon
I'm hard at work preparing some online lessons for my much-missed students. These will either take the form of a recorded film or, if we...

Bridge in the time of Coronavirus
Over the course of the coming weeks and months, I will try to post some hands, quizzes and lessons every few days, so do look in...

All Lessons Suspended
Following government advice yesterday, I have decided to suspend all lessons until further notice. I suspect that regular lessons will...

Bridge Classes at Roehampton Club - Spring Term dates announced
The Winter Term will end on Friday 3rd April; the Spring Term will commence on Wednesday 29th April, and continue until Friday 12th June....