Exciting New Bridge Season Approaches...

I have decided to continue with my lessons online. The possibility of live lessons remains open, but I have been advised that it is probably not a good idea at the moment. I will be utilising both Zoom meetings and RealBridge at various points for all lessons so, if you have not tried RealBridge yet, please do read the notes attached at the base of this mailing. All classes will cost £7 per lesson, and I would be most grateful if you could pay for a group of lessons (or perhaps monthly) opposed to individually, as banking costs are becoming a factor. Partners can, generally, be found, so do come on your own, as a pair, or even as a table of friends. These will be the classes on offer: Tuesdays 2pm - Duplicate Extra 14-16 boards of duplicate bridge, with some prepared hands, followed by analysis on Zoom. The perfect way to improve your understanding of Duplicate Pairs tactics and scoring Wednesdays 10.30am - Intermediate A selection of example hands, set hands, pre-lesson quiz and full notes. We will also have live hand playing demonstrations to ease understanding of key declarer and defensive plays. This term the focus is on bidding, and we will be revising Weak 2s, Transfers and Negative-style Doubles as well as competitive bidding techniques. Thursdays 10.15am - Advanced A selection of example hands, set hands, pre-lesson quiz and full notes. This coaching session concentrates on Duplicate Pairs ideas, looking at partnership agreements, conventions and defensive understandings. Fridays 10am - Friday Morning with Paul 90 minutes of prepared and random hands, analysis of declarer play methods, and the infamous Bidding Quiz!
If you are not already on our mailing list, please sign up on this site, and we'll send you Paul's weekly mail-shot, with details of all bridge sessions, his fasci
nating "Hand of the Week", and all other bridge-related information.